Since this is my first blog it is only fair to share a quick little background...
I am a father of three. My oldest is a son, Taylor, 8 years old. I have two beautiful daughters Grace and Sophie, age 18 months and 1 month respectively.
The purpose of this blog is just a little daily journal with no pressure to publish every day...
Like most nights... last night for Sophie was good, she slept from 11pm 'til 2am and when my wifes' boobs woke her I woke the baby. I got up, picked her up and took her to the play pen where we change diapers and proceeded to do the "dooty" (haha, bad pun). Same as if you had your undies ripped off in the middle of the night, it woke her up and she realized she was hungry too! So I handed her to my wife and she fed her and I went back to bed. Rinse and repeat at around 4:30 or 5. However somehow this morning it worked out that the baby was eating about 6:15 and I had the alarm set for 6:30 to get ready for work. Grace decide to wake up about this time too. Most mornings we try to get her to sleep later than this by putting her in our bed downstairs. I laid back down too just to help her back to sleep. Next thing I know it is 6:55 and I am now in panic mode to get ready for work and Taylor ready for school. I get Taylor's lunch made get a shower and get ready. Meanwhile my efforts to keep Grace asleep didn't work, she was up anyway and I'm late.... Oh well such is life! :) She was going back to Mommy's day out today anyway so it helps mommy that she is already awake. Taylor and I get out the door with technically plenty of time to get to school/work. Typical senseless panic....
Work was same as usual, so-so. I got some work done without working too hard.... ha ha I love my job just less motivated some days than others. Had lunch with a friend at work.
Mommy called and informed me on the Mommy's day out outing. Grace really enjoyed her first day back after a month break. She walked in like a big girl, which helped Mommy immensely. The only real point of mention for the morning was the phone call I received from my slightly panicked wife saying she couldn't figure out how to open her gas tank door. Now before you scratch your head and say "how is that possible?" we just purchased a 2006 Nissan Quest 2 weeks ago and had yet to put gas in it. Luckily I had seen the button on the drivers side door a day or two ago and neutralized the situation quickly. Thank goodness, because as a Father/Husband I hate to see my wife in panic mode and fail to be able to provide a solution.
On a side note, yes we joined the minivan club. We realized with 3 passengers there was just no way around the 3rd row seating necessary. It seemed cruel to shove an 8 year old between two strapped-in, over-sized car-seats...
The evening after work was fairly uneventful. Grace chased her older brother around the living room for a while until one of the ladies at church brought us dinner. After dinner Taylor played some Wii and Grace got a bath. One really cute point of interest was while Taylor was playing Wii, Grace picked a remote case and started mimicking Taylor playing Wii. My wife and I both looked at each other with that "that's soooo friggin' cute" look.
It was a good day, we are prepared/looking forward to many more.
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